Get more customers.
lower acquisition costs, higher conversion rates.

Reactive transforms your social media content into engaging, direct-to-checkout, shoppable ads.

Taylor Purcell, M.M Lafleur, Senior Retail ManagerWhen we started using Reactive, we saw sales increase significantly.
Taylor Purcell, M.M Lafleur, Senior Retail Manager
David Weiss, Zippy Balisong, FounderReactive enabled me to sell 70% of my inventory in under 48 hours, with a conversion rate of 3.58%.
David Weiss, Zippy Balisong, Founder
Lance Marks, Co-founder, O.schoolSuper easy installation, user friendly and helps demonstrate our products to visitors. Highly recommend!
Lance Marks, Co-founder,

What is Reactive?

Reactive drives sales by creating interactive, shoppable ads using the video content from your social accounts. We place your ads on the websites and apps that your target audience frequently visits and uses.


Easy creative at no additional cost.

Advertise without production costs. Reactive will instantly turn your best social media assets into interactive, shoppable experiences, converting new customers and driving revenue.

Interactive and engaging experiences engineered to convert.

Your Reactive ads show up automatically on websites and apps where customers can react, chat and receive exclusive offers. Our gamified sales experience inspires viewers to buy and pushes them directly to checkout on your site.

Build human connection while simplifying the buying experience.

Interactive videos capture and keep customer attention, boosting engagement and building trust. Meanwhile, exclusive, in-app offers create a sense of urgency, driving immediate sales.

Appearing on top websites in your niche provides you with an audience that's ready to buy and reduces your purchase funnel to a single click to checkout.

Track campaign success and use the data to supercharge your business.

You spends loads of your marketing budget on influencer marketing and digital ads, but you are left with a fuzzy picture of how well they increase sales at BEST. Reactive is able to provide you with the insight you dream of to measure success and optimize marketing efforts.

Get started in seconds.

Reactive's Shopify app makes is easy to get up and running in no time. Your inventory is automatically synced and there are no developers needed.

How it works


Reactive creates your shoppable ads

We use your your existing social media content as creative for your interactive, shoppable ads.


Reactive distributes your ads

We programmatically display your ads on websites and apps that are relevant to your brand's target audience.


Customers go straight to checkout

Visitors all over the internet interact with your content and then are pushed directly to checkout on your site through the “Buy Now” button in the Reactive app. They can choose which products and options, like color and size, they want through the app.


Collect actionable data

All of your Reactive content offers the opportunity to collect customer emails, product feedback, and attribution data to improve performance for your marketing, sales and product teams.

Join the 500+ brands using Reactive

How we can work with you

We pull the content from your socials

Ad spend + 20% service fee

  • Ad creation and hosting
  • Campaign creation and management
  • Analytics dashboards
  • You own 100% of the data

We work with your marketing agency


  • Ad creation and hosting
  • Analytics dashboards
  • You own 100% of the data

Get started today!

2024 © Reactive Streaming Inc.